What are Diablos Weaknesses, Resistances and Drops | monster hunter rise

What are Diablos Weaknesses, Resistances and Drops | monster hunter rise

Monster Hunter Rise has an array of powerful enemies for players to tackle, and some beasts are more durable than others. The Diablos, known as the Tyrant of the Desert, populates arid lands and uses its massive horns as a sword and shield. Be sure to study this creature before heading out into the field. When fighting this beast, it's good to know what it's weak against or where to deal that good old damage to take down the enemy quickly. So here are the weaknesses, resistances, and drop rates of Diablos.

All Diablos Weaknesses

Diablos Elemental Weakness

The main weakness of this is ice, but if you have dragon or water weapons these are good alternatives, although they don't have as much of an impact. Thunder weapons aren't very effective in the battle against Diablos, so avoid them if you can. Do not use firearms on the Diablos, as this monster is immune to fire damage. Here are the places you should attack Diablos for extra elemental damage.

Aim your attacks at the head, horn, abdomen, back, wing, and tip of the tail when fighting Diablos, as these areas are the most vulnerable.

Location of damage Feu Water thunder Ice Dragon
Lead 0 15 dix 25 15
Horn 0 20 dix 25 20
Neck 0 15 5 20 15
Abdomen 0 25 dix 30 25
Return 0 20 dix 25 20
Aile 0 25 dix 30 25
Leg 0 dix 5 15 dix
Queue 0 20 dix 15 20
tail tip 0 20 dix 25 20

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Diablos Location Weakness

If you're not using an elemental weapon, you want to attack locations where you deal extra damage. These slots on a monster are differentiated according to the type of weapon you use: cut, impact or shot.

Location damage Cutting damage Impact damage Shooting damage
Lead 45 60 40
Horn 21 42 20
Neck 40 40 25
Abdomen 65 70 40
Return 25 42 35
Aile 40 30 60
Leg 35 35 35
Queue 50 24 45
tail tip 23 26 dix
  • If you're using a cutting weapon, focus on the abdomen and tail.
  • If using a blunt weapon, focus on the head and abdomen.
  • If you're using an archery weapon, focus on shooting the wings and tail.

Resistances and ailments

Diablos is resistant to many diseases in Monster Hunter Rise, but the following type of disease is exceptionally effective: Paralysis. Other ailments impact Diablos, such as Blast and Iceblight, but they are not as strong as Paralysis. Diablos is immune to stun damage, so avoid using a weapon that prioritizes this disease.

Diablos Drop Rate - Carves, Capture & Breaking

Depending on your quest, you can get different rewards for forging armor and weapons, but each has a drop rate percentage, ultimately RNG. It's pure luck what you get.

  • There are several ways to get items
    • You can carve three times once the monster is dead.
    • You can capture the monster instead of killing it.
      • Or sculpt said monster's broken appendage.
    • Looting the drops from the monster
    • After successfully completing your quest

Most monsters have breakable parts, and Diablos is no different. You can break the following parts of the beast in battle: back, horn and tail. If you break them while hunting, you will earn additional rewards after completing the quest.

The tables below show the percentage and drop rates of each Diablos material, both low rank and high rank.

Lower rank

Target rewards Capture Rewards
Object and percentage chance Object and percentage chance
Devil's Fang 25%
Dash extract 12%
Diablos Marrow 7%
Devils Tailcase 7%
Devils Carapace 28%
Devils Crête 25%
Devil's Fang 21%
Devils Tailcase 16%
Diablos Marrow 10%
Object and percentage chance
Devils Crête 33%
Devil's Fang 25%
Devils Carapace 16%
Dash extract 12%
Diablos Marrow 7%
Devils Tailcase 7%
Scraps of broken parts
Object and percentage chance
100% twisted horn (both horns)
Devils Ridge 80% (two)
Moelle Diablos 20% (two)
white drops
Object and percentage chance
Wyvern Tear 50%
Devils Crête 35%
Dash Extract 35%, 15% (x2)
Devils Carapace 15%

Related: All Weapon Types In Monster Hunter Rise

skin rang

Target rewards Capture Rewards
Object and percentage chance Object and percentage chance
Devils Crête + 35%
Devil's Shell 18%
Diablos Croc 13% (x2)
Diablos Marrow 10%
Dash extract 9% (x2)
Devils Marrow 7%
Devils Tailcase 5%
Save the wyverne 3%
Devil's Shell 29%
Devils Crête + 23%
Diablos Marrow 13%
Diablos Croc 11% (x2)
Devil's Medulla 10%
Devils Tailcase 9%
Save the wyverne 3%
Object and percentage chance
Devils Tailcase 70% (Queue)
Devils Carapace 40% (Corps), 13% (Queue)
Devils Ridge +33% (Corps)
Diablos Fang 12% (Body x2)
Diablos Marrow 7% (Body)
Wyvern Gem 3% (body), 5% (tail)
Scraps of broken parts
Object and percentage chance
Majestic Horn 100% (both horns)
Devils Ridge +50% (two)
Moelle Diablos 30% (two)
Devils Medulla 20% (two)
white drops
Object and percentage chance
Great Wyvern Tear 40%
Devils Crête + 35%
Devil's Shell 24%
Dash extract 15% (x2)
Save the wyverne 1%

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