A Beginners Guide to Alan Wake Remastered

A Beginners Guide to Alan Wake Remastered

As fans eagerly await a potential sequel to 2010's Alan Wake, developer Remedy has released Alan Wake Remastered, which brings Bright Falls back to life with much improved graphics, character models, and gameplay. Whether it's your first time stepping into the dark or you're a veteran of the battle against the Taken, here are some tips to give you the upper hand when you start Alan Wake Remastered.

Use environment

It can be tempting to face every encounter with darkness using your flashlight to burn it out, but if you've run out of batteries and don't have flare ammo, you won't be able to afford it. time to leave it. recharge when surrounded by Taken. Instead, explore the battlefield and look for opportunities in the combat environment. There will often be a spotlight or generator that you can activate for a huge advantage, especially against groups of enemies. You can identify these environmental weapons by looking for a glowing green light.

Keep your head on a pivot

It's very rare that you'll only be dealing with one or two grapples at a time, but instead the game likes to throw waves of enemies at you from all directions. At certain points in the game, the music will swell to a terrifying crescendo, but the enemies won't come abreast. Instead, they are completely silent and give no indication of which direction they are coming from.

For many encounters, you'll have a quick cutscene that reveals an opponent (or a group of opponents) to you, and your camera will automatically focus on them afterwards. While handy for giving you cues, AWR will often throw enemies to the sides or behind you while you focus on the main threat. Always keep that camera moving when you sense danger and a ready finger on your dodge button, which will save your life on so many occasions.

Related: Everything Included In Alan Wake Remastered

Always explore your surroundings

Pay attention to where your flashlight is pointing and be thorough when exploring new areas. Secret yellow marks or messages will appear to Alan, but only when you point your light at them. The initial marks will usually be a small arrow or an arrangement of dots – follow these and you'll find a trail of yellow marks that will lead you to collectibles and weapon and ammo caches that will equip you with tons of ammo from powerful flares, as well as enough standard batteries, weapons, and ammo to see you comfortably in the next episode. Always look for alternate paths off the main track and check behind everything.

Use your ammo and batteries

If you're the kind of gamer who likes to horde your special, heavy ammo to the later levels of games to get the upper hand, Alan Wake has something different in store for you.

In AWR, all of your weapons and ammo will be stripped from you at the start of each episode. While this may seem like a burden at first, it actually encourages you to keep exploring other areas to replenish your lost inventory, and it saves you from having to save all your ammo for fear of encountering a huge enemy at the end. portion. . Use your ammo and batteries frequently and with reckless abandon, the game will certainly continue to replenish your supply as you continue, especially if you keep an eye on the weather for caches.

Stay tuned for more on Alan Wake Remastered and be sure to visit Pro Game Guides for upcoming news, guides, and updates.

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